for me

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Time.. Define it....

Went to watch a play with lang and elt. Was nice. But disgusted by some people behaviour.

I am feeling wierd.. or maybe I am wierd.. I always complain about going home late, but... why do i feel so funny when i get to go home immediately after school?

I guess I am never satisfied and that's not a good thing..

Time... my friends, is never constant.. Once I felt it was going so slow.. that I am almost unchallenged.. bored.. but now, time passes so quickly, I just feel lost at times.

Need someone to just come and guide me....

Part of the Prefect community? sound very cliche to me.... That's what Alex and some other prefects told me.. Sound very extra ah? But I like it.. cuz i get to go around with my good friends.

High expectations.. I guess that's what you get when you have a 'good' FT and you are a CEC...

My random thoughts of the week..


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